5 steps to get the most out of Twitter Bio

Twitter bio is what describes ‘about you’ in just 160 words! Yeah for many it’s too less of space to write about yourself, so you need to make the most out of it to shine out! Here are my 5 steps to get the most out of twitter bio –

Merge with the crowd

Twitter is the place you need to find like minded people from all over! Yes you can be witty and funny in your Bio but that will probably eat up the space in your bio instead of showing off your real potential. Connect with people with simple words which describe you and play it safe. So when you are being ordinary you can connect with more people easily.

Be precise and be honest

When you are forwarding your true identity on twitter, people connect instantly. People want to follow you for what you can offer, the more real you are the more interested they become.

Be legit, be you

People want to follow real human beings and when you put forth your identity with your genuine profile picture, your job title, @company where you are working, etc to your bio, that just adds more to your true identity and makes it more legit.

Use #tags , @, links or symbols

These can help those who are searching for profiles like yours connect easily. Use #tags which you generally use, your website link, @ mention the company you are working with currently.

Highlight your achievements

Just showcase what your potential is, what you can offer, #photography #motivator #creative. By doing this you can add a new dimension to your profile.

Your twitter bio is what makes the first impression on your profile. First impression is the last impression so make it Legendary! Do let me know if you have some more pointers to add to this list!

PS for fun – You can also create bio with help of twitter bio generator

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